
Obama Followers: Vote Early, Vote Often

The Obama campaign is pushing hard to get people to vote early, and why not? Once a person has voted, it doesn't matter anymore what they learn about Obama, who was practically on top of the Democratic ticket before people knew a thing about him beyond the fact that he has written plenty of books about himself, and had authored almost no legislation, or led any large organization besides his own campaign. And that is actually run by his PR firm and some extremely wealthy patrons. Obama is a professional speaker and that's all, and over time many people are realizing this. McCain over time, despite having less than half the money, is picking up followers and gaining in the polls. The Democrats' goal is to just get Obama elected by whatever means, and answer the tough questions later. (Or rather than answer the tough questions later, why not say then that it's just more Republican bickering and attacking. Can we Move On?) For example, what about the illegal online fund raising via credit cards that have not been verified. What really went wrong with Fannie and Freddie?

A U.S. Congress committee said last week that it would examine the financial collapse and federal takeover of the companies on November 20, after the U.S. presidential and congressional elections.

Again, let's elect a Democrat, regardless of who it is or whether he has any experience, or belief in American values of liberty, free markets, and capitalism, and then deal with any nagging questions about who or why after the fact.

"We were asked -- or required -- to expand lending, to conserve capital while providing liquidity, to meet housing goals for the undeserved, to serve shareholders and homeowners alike," Mudd told the paper. Hmmm... while McCain was asking for stricter regulations to reign in Fannie and Freddie, who do you think was all for more lending to the poor, undeserving urban communities who really deserve their own houses just like those rich fat cats? Let's figure that out after the election, shall we? We don't want to upset the imbalance of the election by actually reporting news now, and finding answers now, do we?

Ex Fannie Mae chief wishes he had said no more often

Obama's early vote push

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